VIE’s presence in marketing and logistics offers complete support and capability of managing the entire commodity chain – from the point of production to shipping and distribution to the end user. We view every commodity transaction from multiple angles.

Vision, Mission & Goal

Our vision is to be a corporate entity truly admired by the energy industry.
Our mission is to create energy for your environment.
Our goal is to develop partnerships and working relationships with both  governments and private companies to develop sensible and sustainable programs in the energy sectors.


OUR Executive Members

Shail Prasad

Shail Prasad


An experienced entrepreneur, Shail Prasad brings 30 years’ experience in the public and private sectors. He has a multi-industry background, including corporate expansion and oil and gas development. Shail founded VIE where he cultivates key partnerships that fit with VIE’s goals.

Dr. Marvin Miller

Dr. Marvin Miller

Executive Director

Marvin is responsible for the VIE’s worldwide portfolio and operations, including opportunity acquisition, governance & execution. He also leads corporate planning and is responsible for the implementation of VIE’s strategic plan. Marvin holds a PhD and is a published author and presenter at international conferences.

Gibeon Kauntu

Gibeon Kauntu

Asian Representative

Gibeon is Indonesian and has 23 years’ experience with oil and gas state owned companies (Pertamina & LNG Bontang) in Indonesia. He is an expert in corporate business management and project investment strategies. His area of specialization is in developing the Asian markets.

VIE Global Resources

Creating Energy For Your Environment


To arrange a consultation, send us a message.